During a holiday in Eskdale, I captured this historical site – The remains of a Roman Fort at Hardknott Pass just down the road from our campsite.
I simplified the model somewhat to be able to be served on the …
During a holiday in Eskdale, I captured this historical site – The remains of a Roman Fort at Hardknott Pass just down the road from our campsite.
I simplified the model somewhat to be able to be served on the …
“My Time is Now” is an ambitious attempt to create an interactive music video for the release of the album “The Things You Forget” by Dan Korn – recorded here at Cosy Studios.
The experience generates a procedural city, along
…I recently went on holiday to Dubrownik Old Town and captured this interesting space outside the city walls. THe graffitti on the rocks reads “God Help Us” which I found to be particularly resonant.
I used Metashape to compile it …
A Quick bit of fun to see if I could generate a circuit like texture on DepthKit video stream.
— Needs updating, currently you’ll have to click on the page before it loads in order for the video to play …